Here is a video from the May Crowning at Immaculate Conception Parish, a parish of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter.
Thou Virgin Mother, daughter of thy Son
Humble and high beyond all other creatures.
The limit fixed of the eternal counsel,
Thou art the one who such nobility
To human nature gave, that its Creator
Did not disdain to make himself its creature,
Within thy womb rekindled was the love,
By heat of which in the eternal peace
After suchwise this flower has germinated.
Here unto us thou art a noonday torch
Of charity, and below there among mortals
Thou art the living fountain-head of hope.
Lady thou art so great, and so prevailing,
That he who wishes grace, nor runs to thee
His aspirations without wings would fly.
Not only thy benignity gives succor
To him who asketh it, but oftentimes
Forerunneth of its own accord the asking.
In thee compassion is, in thee is pity,
In thee magnificence, in thee unites
Whate'er of goodness is in any creature.
(Dante, Paradiso, canto XXXIII, verses 1-21)